In today’s Tech class we had a guest speaker Jesse Miller who talked about the importance of online safety. This is something that I have been cautious and aware of since I have been a kid. My parents were always very strict about not allowing me to have any social media growing up. I remember always being that kid that was so out of the loop every time something happened in school or out, because I wouldn’t hear about it until someone physically told me. In middle school I made an Instagram account behind my parents back and unfortunately wasn’t educated enough to make it private so they found out about it right away and asked me to take it down. After that incident it wasn’t until grade 12 that I became a user on Instagram again and was even later until I downloaded Facebook for the first time.

Jesse talked about the importance of attaining and maintaining a professional presence online as an educator and an employee. His presentation definitely made me think about what I have been posting online and especially what I have been tagged in online. I have been careful with my social media but I do have to say that I am also very naive when it comes to regularly changing my password and not using public WiFi to check personal information of my phone. It seems like such an obvious thing when I actually think about it, but the dangers of doing so has never really crossed my mind when I am on the go and have to google or check my banking quick, which is a scary thought. Jesse’s presentation definitely gave me something to think about for the future and things to be mindful of when online.

In class we also explored the use of iMovie which was interesting. It is something that I have never used before because I have always used windows products and have never gotten the opportunity to play around with it on a laptop or iPad. I would definitely use it in the future either with my students or for my own personal use but I would need a lot more practice! It wasn’t easy let me tell you that, but I am so glad I am obtaining the experience and exposure to all these different digital platforms and technologies that I can integrate into my teaching practice one day.