This week I have been spending time playing the singing the song Valerie by Amy Winehouse. This has by far been the most enjoyable song to play. The song sounds really good on ukulele and now that I am getting better playing the chorus I am enjoying playing it more. At first I found the verses the easiest to play because it only switches between two chords, C and Dm. The chorus is where I had the most trouble due to the transition between F and Em. It took a week or two of practice to finally start making that transition sound and feel smoother and now I am starting to sing along with it.

I think the reason this song is working out so well for me is because I knew the song really well before hand, and it is in my tessitura. The other song that I learned was Skinny Love by Bon Iver was a little high for me to sing so I was more nervous to record myself . At this point in time I have remembered most of the chords for this song, but still need to have my sheet laid out in front of me while I play, especially while I sing because I still need a reminder of what verse is coming up. I am happy with how this song sounds and how far I have come. When I first started I didn’t know anything about the ukulele. I didn’t know any chords, how to tune or hold it. Throughout this process, the more I practiced and saw improvement the more I loved playing. It has definitely become a new hobby.

Here is a short video of me playing the song Valerie by Amy Winehouse