Text erasing "Im" from "Impossible"


This is my first post for this class. It took me a little longer than I anticipated to set up my account and create this blog. I am not the most tech savvy person so this was definitely interesting and a little frustrating to be completely honest. It took me about 10 minutes to figure out how to make my computer to show a split screen and even longer to figure out my username and password, which was very unfortunate. I am looking forward to getting to the point where I feel confident in my tech abilities, but I have a feeling that it might take me awhile.

I am excided to blog and write down my experience in this class, especially during my inquiry process. In my opinion blogging seems cool, it seems like a good way to track someone’s progress and/or experience. In my case, I am hoping that my blogs will get progressively better and that the process is a lot less stressful then it was today.

Cheers to trying something new!